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Who are we?  Emmaus Rotarians!!! at work, with our community.
What have I noticed from the view up in the front.  The tables are not filled, the room is emptier than it was 6 months ago,  where has everyone gone?  Rotary International for a lot of reasons lifted the restrictive membership commitments to attend 50% or more of the meetings at the club level a couple of years ago.  
Steve and then Lexa work relentlessly and diligently to find the best speakers for our club so that coming every week is an experience, an experience to learn....many times about something we never knew about. They find speakers that interest everyone in the club(not an easy task), and to have someone there week after week.  One of the greatest and most wonderful ideas I liked and enjoyed about ROTARY at the club level is that we get together as a group of like minded individuals learning from each other and the speakers every week.  When I look into the audience and only see 45 of our 94 members I cannot help to wonder where everyone has gone.  I am not talking about the snow birds, or the accountants working 70-80 hours per week until tax season is over, but I can't help but wonder what we are missing that this exceptional experience we call Rotary is not enough.
As a member if you don't see someone for a few weeks email them and see if there is something we can do to get them back to enjoying our meetings.  Our club is for all of our members, we are a service organization, one with the best breakfast, the best leaders, and we have the most fun of all the clubs in our district.  Please make an effort to renew your commitment to make as many meetings as you can.  Commitment to community, to service above self and most importantly commitment to each other. 
Yours in Service
Rick Zayaitz