A Rotarian’s Experiences with HANWASH and Travels to Haiti
Bob Hobaugh (Kutztown Rotary Club) will share his experiences with HANWASH (Haiti National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Initiative) -- a collaborative national initiative to provide safe, sustainable, and affordable water and sanitation to all the citizens of Haiti, along with the associated health, community and economic benefits.
Rotarians in Haiti are at the heart of this story – serving as WASH ambassadors across the country, listening to and engaging their neighbors, local schools, businesses, elected leaders, and government officials to help create change. As the prospect of cleaner and healthier communities becomes imaginable, it inspires local leaders and responsible citizens to action. Unlocking and supporting this demand is the HANWASH secret to making investments sustainable. In a dozen countries around the world, Rotarians are showing their solidarity with Haiti. They volunteer their time with HANWASH, give generously, or make their voices heard as allies and advocates.
HANWASH provides professional/technical support to this civil society effort. They offer tools to align stakeholders, promote dialogue, and ensure transparent decisions and accountability. And they assemble diverse and capable partners who understand the importance of local leadership and building capacity.
Connect with HANWASH, Inc.